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Lucaciu, Irina
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Irina Lucaciu is currently a Senior Researcher within Pollution Control Department (Bioassays-Biological Analysis Laboratory) from National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology – ECOIND, with great expertise and experience in eco-toxicological studies (establishment of biodegradability level of chemicals (substances, mixtures, articles) and waste waters; evaluation of potential adverse/toxic effects of chemicals on the aquatic or terrestrial receptors and establishment of the acute aquatic toxicity concentrations (EC50 / LC50) and/or chronic toxicity based on a no observed effect concentration (NOEC) or a lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC).
More than 20 years’ experience in fundamental and applicative research studies on waste water/potable water/ aquatic emissary quality monitoring and control; hydro-biological and microbiological characterization and industrial pollution impact on the biotic and non-biotic components of the Romanian rivers/lakes ecosystems; integrated ecological risk assessment based on the relationship between the concentration of chemical in water and the effects on aquatic organisms and predicting aquatic ecosystem quality using biological / ecotoxicological methods; analytical control and diagnosis analysis on technological flow of WWTP / DWTP; environmental diagnosis analysis.
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Results 1-20 of 51 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12012Acute toxicity assessment of several cationic and amphoteric surfactants on aquatic organismsGheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Grumaz, Rozalia ; Stoica, Catalina 
22007Adverse effects caused by pyrites and sterile dump from central pond area on environmental factors quality – groundwater and surface waterBirlica, Ramona ; Stanescu, Elena ; Nicolau, Margareta ; Petrescu, Marinela ; Cuciureanu, Adriana ; Vidrighin, Monica ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Paun, Iuliana 
3Sep-2019Anthropogenic pollutants: 10 years of progress in ecotoxicological studies and aquatic risk assessmentGheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Paun, Iuliana ; Vasile, Gabriela ; Petre, Jana ; Iancu, Vasile ; Stoica, Catalina ; Mitru, Daniel ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai 
42014Assessment of aquatic toxicity of the caffeic acid complexed with Cr(III) and Pb(II) in the flotation processCraioveanu (Ianos), Maria Gratiela ; Gheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Stoica, Ligia ; Constantin, Carolina 
52015Assessment of the abiotic components of the Danube River and main tributaries from southern part of RomaniaStanescu, Elena ; Vosniakos, Fokion ; Scradeanu, Daniel ; Paun, Iuliana ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Stanescu, Bogdan ; Cruceru, Liliana ; Vasile, Gabriela ; Iancu, Vasile ; Niculescu, Marcela 
62019Bacterial Monitoring of Drinking Water Sources Using Immunofluorescence technique, Image Processing Software and Web-based Data VisualisationAncuta, Paul-Nicolae ; Atanasescu, Anca ; Sorea, Sorin ; Stanciu, Danut Iulian ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Stoica, Catalina ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai ; Banciu, Alina 
72012Biodegradability assessment of cationic and amphoteric raw materialsGheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Pascu, Luoana Florentina 
82018Computerized high-tech detection technology of immunofluorescence labelled waterborne pathogenic bacteriaStoica, Catalina ; Ancuta, Paul-Nicolae ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Banciu, Alina ; Sorea, Sorin ; Atanasescu, Anca ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai 
9Apr-2020Considerations on the Toxicity of Brilliant Blue FCF Aqueous Solutions before and after OzonationMarcvart Tiron, Maria ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai ; Gheorghe, Stefania 
1028-Dec-2022Correlation between BOD5 and COD – biodegradability indicator of wastewaterRudaru, Daniel Gheorghe ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Fulgheci, Ana Maria 
11Apr-2024COVID-19 Pandemic modulates the environmental contamination level of enteric bacteria from WWTPsBanciu, Alina ; Pascu, Luoana Florentina ; Stoica, Catalina ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Feodorov, Laura ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai 
12Sep-2019Danube Delta: monitoring and ecological status. A link between the past and the futureStoica, Catalina ; Stanescu, Elena ; Paun, Iuliana ; Banciu, Alina ; Gheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Vasile, Gabriela ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai 
132011Detergents legislative framework and ecotoxicological testing methodologyGheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Grumaz, Rozalia 
142008Dynamics of the biotic components in the aquatic ecosystems from the Danube Delta biosphereStanescu, Elena ; Nicolau, Margareta ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Gheorghe, Stefania ; Vosniakos, Fokion 
152019Ecotoxicity of biocides (chemical disinfectants) - lethal and sublethal effects on non-target organismsGheorghe, Stefania ; Stoica, Catalina ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Banciu, Alina ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai 
162016Ecotoxicological tests used as warning system for Danube Delta quality assessmentGheorghe, Stefania ; Stoica, Catalina ; Paun, Iuliana ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai ; Cristofor, Sergiu 
172014Environmental exposure and effects of some micropollutants found in the Romanian surface waterGheorghe, Stefania ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Paun, Iuliana ; Stoica, Catalina ; Stanescu, Elena 
18Nov-2020Evaluation of sub-Lethal toxicity of benzethonium chloride in Cyprinus carpio liverGheorghe, Stefania ; Mitroi, Daniel ; Stan, Miruna ; Staicu, Cristina ; Cicirma, Marius ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai ; Dinischiotu, Anca 
192012Evolution of an aquatic ecosystem (the Suceava River) for a 3-year period in terms of ecological dynamicsStoica, Catalina ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Batrinescu, Gheorghe ; Stanescu, Bogdan ; Birsan, Elena 
20Dec-2021Forecasting methods for assessment of the biodegradability of wastewater from organic separatorsVasilache, Nicoleta ; Diacu, Elena ; Modrogan, Cristina ; Lucaciu, Irina ; Vasile, Gabriela ; Paun, Iuliana ; Iancu, Vasile